Florida's Anti-LGBTQIA+ Discrimination, OptOut Has Big News, and The Debt Ceiling Becomes a Debacle
The top stories from the week ending 5/21/23
CNN's Disastrous Trump Town Hall, Starbucks Union Woes, and Title 42
The top stories of the week ending 5/14/23.
A Visit to Indigenous Lands in the Brazilian Amazon
Amanda Magnani takes us through two communities that trying to preserve their lands.
Chinese Dissident Secretly Recruited Rightwing Writers to Publish Flattering Articles
The fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui found prominent conservatives to launder his image.
‘Saying the Quiet Part Loud’: The GOP Is Telling Us Exactly What It Means
It’s clearly not all about “care and concern,” but when will that be clear to its base?
A Week Of Violence
The top stories for the week ending 5/7/23.
Decolonizing Climate Change with Amanda Magnani
Looking at the world’s biggest crisis through a different lens.
Tucker Carlson Gone, Labor Organizing, and Reproductive Freedom Victories
Top stories for the week ending 4/30/2023
The GOP’s Genocidal Plans Against the Trans Community
You only have to look at history’s playbook to understand the glaring signs of current and pending catastrophe.
Close(d) Calls:🗽Asylum seekers out of time 🗽 MTA horror story🗽 Housing woes
Good morning! I come bearing sad news. (Not that I come bearing good news very often, but this is personal)